The Office of the Chief State Law Adviser provides legal advice, representation and legislative drafting services to the Executive, all state departments at both national and provincial levels, municipalities, parastatals and independent or autonomous bodies that may refer work to it.
Provide expert legal advisory services to the Minister, DG, Premier and Provincial Cabinet and strategic management of the chief directorate legal services
Oversees the strategic functioning of the Office of the Chief State Law Adviser
Execute the programme management of OCSLA by strategically overseeing research with a view to advising government on the development, improvement, modernisation and reform of the law of South Africa
Overhead control and line-function responsibilities in respect of the HRM process as stipulated by DOJ as head of the office, be responsible for the administration and accountable in terms of the Public Finance Management Act 1 of 1999
Prepare and control the budget
Liaise with Government departments, non-government organisations and relevant role players
Personnel assessment and human resource development
Participate in the strategic planning of the department
Duties assigned by the Chief State Law Adviser
Provide the state with legal advise
Drafting and revision of legislation (laws)
Opinions, therefore, cover the field of statutory law, common law and international law and all its implications
Advise the State President on whether or not the legislation under consideration is lawful
Attend legal commissions of inquiry in an advisory capacity
Provide research in support of Law Advisers and keep law Advisers informed of recent case law, legislation changes and developments
Conduct research with view of lobby/advocating interests of OSCLA clients/potential clients
Define, conceptualise, planning, initiating, managing and conducting research projects on behalf of OCSLA across disciplinary fields, including the development of good office practice with regard to legal research
Manage stakeholder relations with legal fraternity, Magistracy, Judiciary, Research institutions and other relevant stakeholders
Research that will help support arguments and evaluation of legal theories/precedents in court setting or in legal briefs, as well as maintaining appropriate records and systems for easy information retrieval
Draft legal documentation pertaining to the work done by the Law Adviser
Provide verbal and written opinion(s) after researching cases, drafting briefs, legal memos, as legal principles, statutes, journal, textbooks
Maintaining files on any current cases (which contains opinions, analysis, recommendations)
Advise on best legal approach and/or response on conducting litigation, including comparative law (domestic vs. foreign)
Maintain legal and constitutional documents and ensure they are updated
Locate and analyse foreign jurisprudence
Dealing with queries and problems from client departments, the legal profession, offices and from within the Department
Oversees the administrative running of the Office
Design and implement office policies
Establish standards and procedures
Organise office operations and procedures
Plan, coordinate and also oversee various business functions which are performed by the other employees
Selection and termination of employees
Orient and train employees
Evaluate staff performance
Coaching and disciplining staff
Ordering supplies, anticipate future need(s) and verify receipt
Performing payroll duties
Performing accounting duties
Taking phone calls
Monitor and record long distance phone calls
Customer service including complaints
Control correspondences
Liaise with other agencies, organisations and groups
Maintain office records (design and keeping filling systems up-to-date, define procedures for record retention, ensure protection and security of files and records and ensure effective transfer of files and records, transfer and dispose records according to retention schedules and policies, ensure personnel files are up to date and secure)
Maintain office efficiency (plan, manage and implement office systems, layout and equipment procurement)