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National Register for Sex Offenders (NRSO) Information


Did you know that the National Register for Sex Offenders (NRS0) Certificates are now available from our PROVINCIAL OFFICES?  

Any person seeking to apply for the NRSO certificate, can now do so by submitting their applications to any of our Provincial Offices and our officials will gladly assist.


  • Form 07.pdf [J738]: Application for certificate by person in respect of own particulars [Regulation 17(1)]
    This form is submitted by people who are checking their own particulars in the National Register for sex offenders.
    Form amended on 23 Nov 2022.

    Please submit the following:
    • A fully completed and signed J738 form
    • Reasons for applying for a certificate must be fully articulated
    • Ensure that a form J738 is signed by the applicant
    • Attach a certified copy of an identity document / passport
    • Attach the SAPS 69(i), a Fingerprint Clearance Report, obtainable from SAPS police station
    • Provide a full forwarding or postal address / physical address / contact numbers / email address / any contact details
  • Form 08.pdf [J739]: Application for certificate by person/licensing authority/relevant authority in respect of particulars of another [Regulation 17(2)]
    This form must be submitted by persons who are submitting an application on behalf of another and persons who seek to apply for adoption, foster-care, kinship caregiving etc.

    Form amended on 23 Nov 2022.

    Please submit the following:

    • A fully completed J739 form by person/ licencing authority/ relevant authority in respect of particulars of another
    • Please ensure that page 2 is fully completed and signed by the applicant (an applicant is a person / an organisation that is submitting an application on behalf of another)
    • Attach a certified copy of an identity document / passport of a person on whose behalf an application is submitted
    • Attach the SAPS 69(i), a Fingerprint Clearance Report, obtainable from SAPS police station, for the person missioned in line 3 above
    • Provide a full forwarding or postal address / physical address / contact numbers / email address / any contact details of a person who is applying on behalf of another.
  • Form 08A.pdf [J958]: Application to determine whether particulars of a person have been included in the National Register For Sex Offenders [Regulation 18A(1)]
    This form must be submitted by any person who is applying on behalf of another to determine whether the particulars of that person have been included in the National Register for sex offenders.
    Form published on 05 Sep 2022.

    Please submit the following:
    • A fully completed and signed form 8A by the person who is applying on behalf of another
    • This application is in the form of a sworn affidavit which must be completed by the applicant( a person who is submitting an application on behalf of another)
    • Attach a certified copy of an identity document / passport of a person on whose behalf an application is submitted
    • Attach a certified copy of an identity document / passport of a person who is applying on behalf of another
    • Attach the SAPS 69(i), a Fingerprint Clearance Report, obtainable from SAPS police station, of a person on whose behalf an application is submitted
    • A person on whose behalf an application is submitted must give consent in writing approving the disclosure of his/her personal information to the third party
    • Provide a full forwarding or postal address / physical address / contact numbers / email address / any contact details of a person who is applying on behalf of another
  • Form 10.pdf [J741] - Application for removal of particulars from Register [Regulation 19]
    This form must be submitted by any person who seek to have their details or who are applying to have their details removed from the national register for sex offenders.
    Form amended on 23 Nov 2022.

    Please submit the following:
    • A fully completed and signed J741 form.
    • Reasons for applying for the removal of particulars from the register must be fully articulated (expungement or purely removal purposes).
    • Ensure that a form is signed by the applicant.
    • Attach a certified copy of an identity document / passport.
    • Attach the SAPS 69(i), a Fingerprint Clearance Report, obtainable from SAPS police station.
    • The reasons for applying for a fingerprint clearance should be reflected as “to obtain fingerprint clearance”).
    • Attach a sexual offence affidavit obtainable from our offices country wide.

    NOTE: Services in respect of applications for removal of particulars from the NRSO are only available at National Office and no other official of the Department of Justice & Constitutional Development has been delegated such with functions by the Registrar. Also note that the process of removal is interdependent on confirmation letters from SAPS.

    NOTE: ALL DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED MUST BE LEGIBLE, meaning we must be able to clearly see what is written.

SAPS 91(a)

SAPS 91(a)

  • An applicant must first complete this form at SAPS offices. Advise SAPS official that you are applying for a SAPS 69(i) and not for a SAPS 365.
  • This form is not to be submitted to the NRSO office for the purpose of applying for clearance from NRSO.

SAPS 69(i)

SAPS 69(i): Fingerprint Clearance Report

  • The required fingerprint report is a SAPS system generated document advising if the applicant has been convicted or has pending cases.
  • If an individual has no criminal record, the SAPS69(i) will have only one page.
  • This report is essential as it would also advise if there are any pending cases against the applicant.
  • This form must be submitted to the NRSO office.

SAPS 365

SAPS 365: Clearance Certificate


  • This has past or decided outcome and doesn’t advise on possible pending cases.

Once your form is completed:

Applications can be hand delivered to:

  • Department of Justice & Constitutional Development (Pretoria) 329 Momentum Centre, Cnr Pretorius & Sisulu Streets, Pretoria, 0002

Or hand delivered at any other Provincial Office:

Alternatively, it can be send via couriered to:

  • 329 Momentum Centre, Cnr Pretorius & Sisulu Streets, Pretoria, 0002

All documents must be submitted in an original format and marked for attention: REGISTRAR: NRSO or the Director: Legal Services.

Contact details for the National Register for Sex Offenders are as follows:



  • The National Child Protection Register is separate from the National Register for Sex Offenders and all enquiries in regard to clearance certificates (Form 29 & From 30) on names which may be registered on the National Child Protection Register, administered by the Department of Social Development, must please be directed to them at tel: 012 312 7727 or email: customercare@dsd.gov.za. These forms must be obtained from the offices of the Department of Social Development.

Page updated: 23 Sep 2024