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Media Statements
Deputy Minister Jeffery announces re-description of certain sheriff areas
and advertising of vacant sheriff posts [13 Dec]
Remains of Political Prisoners
to be exhumed [12 Dec]
Deputy Minister Jeffery to mobilize communities
to act against women and children abuse [07 Dec]
SCA upholds Minister’s
appeal in assisted suicide case
[06 Dec]
Information Regulator (SA)
holds its Inaugural Meeting [02 Dec]
Limpopo High Court media accreditation name tags to be collected
from 27-28 November 2016 [24 Nov]
Minister Masutha to launch
Sekgosese Sexual Offences Court
[22 Nov]
Deadline extended for submission of inputs on the Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes
and Hate Speech Bill [16 Nov]
President Zuma to lead
celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Constitution
[15 Nov]
Minister Masutha welcomes ConCourt judgement to dismiss
DA’s application on Rome Statute matter
[14 Nov]
Minister Masutha meets with the leadership of the National Prosecuting Authority
(NPA) [11 Nov]
President Zuma to officially open the High Court: Limpopo
Division [10 Nov]
Constitutional Court judgement to deter other would be racists
in the workplace [09 Nov]
Response to the
concerns raised regarding the Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill
[01 Nov]
Media briefing by Minister Michael Masutha on the
Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill
[24 Oct]
Media briefing by Minister Masutha on the
Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill
[23 Oct]
Briefing to the media by Minister Michael Masutha on the
matter of International Criminal Court and Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir
[21 Oct]
Deputy Minister Jeffery calls for
inputs on the draft guidelines for Commissioners and Clerks of the Small Claims Courts
[13 Oct]
Justice department makes progress towards
improved governance and access to justice
[12 Oct]
Deputy Minister Jeffery
awards bursaries to Moot Court Competition Winners
[10 Oct]
Deputy Minister Jeffery to deliver an address at the opening
of the 6th National Schools Moot Court Competition [04 Oct]
The Fees
Commission to resume public hearings in Pretoria
[21 Sep]
Deputy Minister Jeffery participates in Mossel Bay Thusong Service Centre
launch [19 Sep]
The Fees
Commission notes the announcement of fee adjustments
for 2017 [19 Sep]
Deputy Minister Jeffery to hand over copies of the Constitution
to the Mossel Bay Thusong Service Centre, Western Cape [16 Sep]
Minister Masutha to reflect on the
judgement related to Jiba and Mrwebi
[15 Sep]
Minister Masutha
strengthens ties with Vietnam Justice Ministry
[13 Sep]
Fees Commission
condemns the disruption of its Public Hearings
[08 Sep]
The Fees Commission:
Disruptions in East London and Cape Town
[06 Sep]
The Fees Commission to host
public hearings in Cape Town
[02 Sep]
National Forum on the Legal Profession to brief the media on progress
made towards the establishment of the Legal Practice Council [02 Sep]
The Fees Commission to host
public hearings in East London
[30 Aug]
Minister Masutha calls on members of the public to make inputs on the draft National Action Plan
to Combat Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and related Intolerances (NAP) by 31 August 2016 [30 Aug]
The Fees Commission to host
public hearings in Durban
[26 Aug]
Deputy Minister Jeffery to engage in a
dialogue with women in law
[26 Aug]
The Fees Commission to host
public hearings in Thohoyandou
[23 Aug]
Minister Masutha to host a
dialogue with women survivors of Gender-Based Violence
[18 Aug]
The Fees Commission to host
public hearings in Nelspruit
[18 Aug]
Justice Department to host the last provincial consultation
on the draft National Action Plan to combat Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerances in the North West Province [17 Aug]
Women encouraged to seek free legal advice during the
Access to Justice Week Campaign
[12 Aug]
Minister Masutha to address the
Twelfth Annual General Conference of the South African Chapter of International Association of Women Judges
[12 Aug]
Fees Commission to
commence public hearings in Pretoria
[08 Aug]
Fees Commission to host a Media Briefing to announce the
commencement of public hearings
[05 Aug]
President Zuma signs proclamation on the
amendment of the Terms of Reference on the Commission of Inquiry into Higher Education and Training
[29 Jul]
Minister Masutha to officiate the
handover and reburial of former Umkhonto Wesizwe (MK) member, Norman Petersen
[28 Jul]
Minister Masutha fills 30 critical vacancies
in the magistracy [28 Jul]
Minister Masutha to interact with Nyanga community
during an Imbizo [28 Jul]
Raiteka learners
excited to receive school shoes [26 Jul]
Deputy Minister Jeffery officially launches the
Small Claims Court in Richmond
[25 Jul]
Deputy Minister Jeffery to officially
launch a Small Claims Court in Richmond
[21 Jul]
Justice Department to contribute basic necessities at the
Raiteka Middle School
[21 Jul]
Deputy Minister Jeffery to celebrate Mandela Day with Children
In Need [14 Jul]
Human Trafficking consultative workshop
takes centre stage in Cape Town [12 Jul]
Justice Department to
normalize justice services in Mqanduli
[08 Jul]
Deadline extended for submission of inputs on the Draft National Action Plan
to Combat Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (NAP) [06 Jul]
Three Justice Department officials arrested
for corruption related offences [29 Jun]
Minister Masutha to officiate the
Spiritual Repatriation and Symbolic Burial of TRC identified victims
of Apartheid [29 Jun]
Justice Department to host provincial consultation
on draft National Action Plan to combat Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerances in Limpopo [28 Jun]
Justice Department to host provincial consultation
on draft National Action Plan to combat Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerances in the Western Cape [27 Jun]
Deputy Minister Jeffery meets with the
Regional Court President and Magistrate to solve case backlogs
[24 Jun]
Justice Department to host provincial consultation
on draft National Action Plan to combat Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerances in the Free State [23 Jun]
Justice Department to host provincial consultation
on draft National Action Plan to combat Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerances in Mpumalanga [20 Jun]
Justice Department to host provincial consultation
on draft National Action Plan to combat Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerances in North West [20 Jun]
Justice Department observes
World Refugee Day
[17 Jun]
Deputy Minister Jeffery to interact with school learners
on Constitutional Rights [09 Jun]
Deputy Minister Jeffery to deliver keynote address at the
Progressive Professional Forum in Cape Town
[08 Jun]
Deputy Minister Jeffery
calls for input into the NAP
[07 Jun]
Deputy Minister Jeffery to host provincial consultation on draft National Action Plan
to Combat Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerances in KwaZulu-Natal [03 Jun]
Deputy Minister Jeffery calls on
communities to exercise their Constitutional Rights to better their lives
[01 Jun]
Deputy Minister Jeffery to interact with
Lusikisiki community on constitutional rights
[01 Jun]
The Fees Commission
extends the due date for submissions to 30 June
[01 Jun]
Vandals of critical infrastructure to face harsher punishment
[01 Jun]
Deputy Minister Jeffery to
interact with Orange Farm community on constitutional rights
[31 May]
Justice Department to interact with
Umlazi learners on cyber bulling and sexting
[30 May]
Deputy Minister Jeffery to address
South African Sheriffs Society AGM
in Port Elizabeth [25 May]
Justice Department
commemorates International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia
[17 May]
Courts of Law Amendment Bill
introduced to Parliament [13 May]
Justice Minister grants
special leave to Judge Jansen
[11 May]
Transfer of
[05 May]
Minister Masutha
fills four critical vacancies
in the Magistracy [04 May]
Call for submissions
to the Commission of Inquiry into Higher Education and Training [29 Apr]
Justice invites child
maintenance payers and beneficiaries to update their information
for faster payments [28 Apr]
Deputy Minister Jeffery addressed
civil society organisations
in East London [25 Apr]
Deputy Minister Jeffery to address
civil society organisations
in East London [22 Apr]
Media statement by Minister Masutha on the occasion of Justice Budget Vote
Debate, GCIS Imbizo Centre, Parliament [19 Apr]
Minister Masutha encourages learners
to use their rights to their advantage [18 Apr]
Minister Michael Masutha to deliver Budget Vote Speech
for the DoJ&CD [13 Apr]
KwaMashu community
commits to work together with government to fight crime [13 Apr]
Justice Department to conduct
Learner Dialogue on Constitutional Education
on 13 April 2016 [11 Apr]
Government files for
leave to appeal Al-Bashir SCA judgment
[08 Apr]
Announcement of the
resignation of the Director-General
of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development [31 Mar]
Minister of Justice to
appeal Walus Judgment
[30 Mar]
Deputy Minister Jeffery to address a
Summit on Briefing Patterns in the Legal Profession
on 31 March in Kempton Park [29 Mar]
Exhumation of 83 political prisoners
to commence on 04 April 2016 [23 Mar]
Minister Masutha to launch the
Gallows Exhumation Project
[22 Mar]
Mpumalanga Justice Department leads a
successful Anti-Racism march
[16 Mar]
Justice Department Eastern Cape Regional Office to conduct
information session on Equality Courts on 18 March in Port Elizabeth
[15 Mar]
Justice Department Gauteng Regional Office to conduct
information session on Equality Courts
on 16 March at Roodepoort Magistrate Court [15 Mar]
Justice Department Gauteng Regional Office to conduct
information session on Equality Courts
[14 Mar]
Justice Department Mpumalanga Regional Office to lead
Anti-Racism march
on 16 March [14 Mar]
Minister Masutha responds to
Contralesa’s letter for pardon
[11 Mar]
South African delegation appears before UN Human Rights Committee
at its 116th session, 7 – 8 March 2016, Geneva, Switzerland [10 Mar]
Justice pledge for parity as the world celebrates
International Women’s Day
[08 Mar]
Deputy Minster Jeffery to lead a government delegation to
United Nations on South Africa’s human rights interventions
[04 Mar]
Minister Masutha addresses
Africa Regional Seminar on finding practical solutions for sexual orientation based violence
[03 Mar]
Minister Masutha to officially open
Africa Regional Seminar on sexual orientation based violence
on 03 Mar [01 Mar]
Justice Department launches National Action Plan
to combat racism, discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance [29 Feb]
Deputy Minister to deliver a keynote address at the consultative dialogue on the National Action Plan
to Combat Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (NAP) [29 Feb]
Department of Justice to officially
launch a National Action Plan to Combat Racism, Discrimination, Xenophobia and Intolerance
[26 Feb]
Justice department appoints 32 sheriffs
to increase access to justice services [01 Feb]