2013 12 20: G 37192 RG 10090 P 59 [228kb] Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals Act: Referral of matters to existing Special Investigation Unit and Special Tribunal: Department of Public Works
2013 12 11: G 37141 RG 10083 GoN 989 [183kb] State Attorney Act: Establishment of Polokwane Brance Office
2013 11 29: G 37063 RG 10065 Gon 909 [105kb] Justices of the Peace and Commissioners of Oaths Act: Amendment of Government Notice No. R903 of 10 July 1998
2013 11 29: G 37097 GeN 1178 [242kb] Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act : Regulations: Community Rehabilitation: Draft G 37097 GeN 1178 - comments by 31 Jan 2014
2013 11 29: G 37062 Gon 910 [278kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment of small claims court for Melmoth area
2013 11 26: G 37067 No. 912 [334kb] Protection of Personal Information Act [No. 4 of 2013]
2013 11 22: G 37055 RG 10063 Gon 894 [57kb] Judicial Service Commission Act: Tariff allowance payable to a person appointed
2013 11 22: G 37037 Gon 883 [256kb] Magistrates' Courts Act: Appointment of places within any district other than the seat of Magistracy for holding of a Periodical Court: Amendment - District of Mossel Bay
2013 11 13: G 37028 GeN 1104 [219kb] Rationalisation of magisterial districts for the Gauteng and North West Provinces: Proposal - comments by 06 Dec 2013
2013 11 04: G 37002 RG 10050 P 49 [209kb] Commissions Act: Amendment to the terms of reference of the commission of inquiry into allegations of fraud, corruption, impropriety or irregularity in the strategic defence procurement package
2013 11 01: G 37001 P 48 [140kb] Commissions Act: Terms of Reference of the Commission of Inquiry into the tragic incidents at or near the area commonly known as the Marikana mine in Rusternburg, North West: Amendment
2013 11 01: G 36992 GeN 1084 [123kb] State Attorney Amendment Bill: Explanatory summary
2013 10 18: G 36940 GeN 1033 [74kb] Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals Act: Appointment of Head of existing Special Investigating Unit
2013 10 15: G 36934 Gon 785 [82kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment of small claims courts for Vanderbijlpark and Sobokeng areas: Withdrawal of Government Notice No.44 of 27 May 2011
2013 10 11: G 36913 GN R759 [282kb] Rules regulating the conduct of proceedings of the several provincial and local divisions of the High Court of South Africa amended with effect from 15 November 2013
2013 10 11: G 36913 GN R760 [1.17mb] Rules Regulating the Conduct of the Proceedings of the Magistrates' Courts of South Africa amended with effect from 15 November 2013
2013 10 11: G 36904 GeN 750-755 [530kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment of small claims courts for the areas of: Williston (NC),
Vanrhynsdorp (WC),
Bultfontein (FS),
Dzanani (LP)
2013 09 27: G 36865 GeN 710 [294kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment of small claims courts for Highveld Ridge and Secunda areas and withdrawal of Government Notice No. 1967 of 15 Septemebr 1989
2013 09 27: G 36865 GeN 709 [285kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment of small claims court for Ladybrand and Clocolan area and withdrawal of Government Notice No.407 of 7 June 2013
2013 09 16: G 36845 Gon 688 [1.57mb] Protection from Harassment Act: SAPS National Instruction 1/2013: How to respond to complaint of harassment
2013 09 13: GG 36838, GeN 938 [3.15mb] Administration of Estates Act: Unclaimed moneys
2013 09 13: G 36843 Gon 686 [854kb] Child Justice Act: Accredited diversion programmes and service providers
2013.09.06: G 36804 Gon 649 [919kb] Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act: National policy framework on management of sexual offences
2013.09.06: G 36834 GeN 671 [95kb] Magistrate's Courts Act: Annexure of certain districts to regional court for adjudication of offences committed within the mining industry
2013.09.06: G 36807 Gon 659 [399kb] Promotion of Access to Information Act: Description of catgories of records automatically available: Department of Justice and Constitutional Development
2013.08.26: G 36789 [374kb] Promotion of Access to Information Act: Manual: Department of Justice and Constitutional Development
2013.08.22: G 36774, RG 10006, P 35 [87kb] Constitution Seventeenth Amendment Act: Commencement (23 Aug 2013)
2013.08.02: G 36708, RG 9996, GoN 542 [49kb] Justices of the Peace and Commissioners of Oaths Act: Designations of commissioners of oaths
2013.08.02: G 36707, GoN 540-541 [186kb] Establishment of small claims court for the area of Atteridgeville;
Establishment of small claims court for the area of Kimberley
2013.07.31: G 36718, GoN 548 [73kb] Magistrate's Courts Act: Amendment of areas of jurisdiction of certain regional divisions
2013.07.12: G 36638, RG 9987, GoN 471 [273kb] Rules Board for Courts of Law Act: Magistrates' Courts: Rules of several provincial and local divisions of the high court of South Africa: Amendment
2013.07.12: G 36638, RG 9987, GoN 472 [111kb] Rules Board for Courts of Law Act: Magistrates' Courts: Rules of several provincial and local divisions of the high court of South Africa: Amendment
2013.06.14: G 36543, GoN 414 [131kb] Rules regulating conduct of proceedings of the Orange Free State Provincial division of the High Court of South Africa: Amendment
2013.06.14: G 36543 [110kb] Law Society of Northern Provinces: Rules: Amendment
2013.06.07: G
36536, GoN 403-407 [94kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Alteration of
the areas and/or establishment of areas for Pietermaritzburg, Ladybrand,
Clocolan, Middledrift, Mkobola, Mooi River, KwaMhlanga, Mdutjana and
2013.06.07: G
36514, GoN 397-399 [53kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Alteration of
the areas and/or establishment of areas
for Ermelo , St Marks (Cofimvaba), Thohoyandou
and Mutale
2013.05.31: G 36526,
P 15 [321kb] Commissions Act: Commission of Inquiry
into the tragic incidents at or near area commonly known as Marikana
Mine in Rustenburg, North West Province: Terms of reference: Amendments
2013.04.15: G 36368,
Gen 285-289 [81kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment
of small claims court for the areas: Msinga, Vryheid, Ngotshe, Elliot,
Rustenburg, Madikwe, Peddie
2013.04.12: G
36369, GoN 290 [2.34mb] Magistrates' Courts Act 32 of 1944 - Creation
of sub-districts and the appointment of a place within the sub-district
for the holding of a court published
2013.04.12: G
36338, RG 9941, GoN 262 [126kb] Rules Board for Courts of Law Act: Provincial and local
divisions of the court of South Africa: Rules of Court: Amendment
2013.04.12: G
36357, RG 9944, P 9 [3.48mb] Protection from Harassment Act: Proclamation:
Commencement, Regualtions and Directives
2013.04.12: G
36357, RG 9944, P 9 [294kb] Protection from Harassment Act: Proclamation: Commencement
2013.04.12: G
36338, RG 9941, GoN 263 [121kb] Rules Board for Courts
of Law Act: Magistrates' Courts: Rules of Court: Amendment
2013.04.12: G
36357, RG 9944, GoN 275 [297kb] Protection from Harassment
Act: Tariff of compensation payable to electronic communications service
2013.04.08: G
36347, GeN 356 [119kb] Judicial Matters Amendment Bill: Explanatory
2013.03.27: G
36314, GeN 285 [44kb] Magistrates Act: Remuneration of
magistrates: Correction
2013.02.22: G
36283, P 6 [82kb] Magistrates Act: Remuneration of magistrates
2013.02.22: G 36179, RG 9915, GoN 130 [40kb] Child Justice Act: Designation of area of jurisdiction of Matlosana One Stop Child Justice Centre
2013.02.15: G 36157, RG 9910, GoN 115 [699kb] Rules Board for Courts of Law Act: Magistrates' Courts: Rules of Court: Amendment
2013.02.15: G 36157, RG 9910, GoN 114 [885kb] Rules Board for Courts of Law Act: High Court of Appeal: Provincial and local divisions of the high court rules: Amendment
2013.02.15: G 36157, RG 9910, GoN 113 [275kb] Rules Board for Courts of Law Act: Supreme Court of Appeal: Rules of Court: Amendment
2013.02.15: G
36162, GoN 116 [683kb] Publication of explanatory summary
of the South African Human Rights Commission Bill, 2013
2013.02.12: G 36154, P 4 [75kb] Commissions Act: Establishment of Commission of Enquiry into tragic incident at or near area commonly known as Marikana Mine in Rustenburg, North West Province: Terms of reference: Amendment
2013.01.30: G
36111, RG 9900, GoN 62 [847kb] Criminal Procedure Act:
Determination of amounts for purposes of certain provisions
2013.01.30: G
36111, RG 9900, GoN 63 [88kb] Magistrates’ Courts
Act: Determination of amount for purposes of Section 92(1)(b)
2013.01.25: G
36099, GoN 50 & 51 [423kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment
of small claims court for Volksrust, Wakkerstroom, Thohoyandou and
Malamulele areas
2013.01.25: G 36100, GoN
53 [162kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment
of small claims court for Graaff-Reinet and Aberdeen areas
2013.01.25: G 36100, GoN
52 [161kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment
of small claims court for Fauresmith and Jagersfontein areas
2013.01.18: G 36080,
P 2 [50kb] Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures)
Amendment Act : Commencement