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Sexual Assault

What is sexual assault?

The process of reporting a sexual assault

Reporting an offence to the police

Go to the police

  • Go to your nearest police station
  • You can ask a friend or a family member to go with you

Fill out a statement

  • The police will take down everything you tell them in the form of a statement.
  • You are allowed to make changes to the statement.

Get a case number

  • Do not forget to get a case number from the police officer
    This number will be used to keep you informed of what's happening

Medical Examination

  • When reporting to the police, he/she may ask for a medical person to carry out an examination.
  • The findings will be included in your case file.

Contact Details

  • Don’t forget to give the police officer all you contact details: address, telephone numbers.
  • Even when you move, inform the police so that they can keep you informed.

What is the reporting process?

What will police do after complaint is lodged?

Child-friendly Sexual Offences Court

National Register for Sex Offenders (NRSO) aims to stop spate of incidents against children and mentally disabled people

Chief-Directorate: Promotion of the Rights of Vulnerable Groups
Private Bag X81, Pretoria, 0001
Tel: 012 315 1808/1656
Fax: 086 653 3306
E-mail: sorma@justice.gov.za