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Intermediary Services PDFIntermediary Services provided in Courts

What is the role of the Intermediary?

How do children testify in court?

How do persons with mental disability testify in court?

Are all children/mentally disabled witnesses entitled to receive intermediary services?

The use of intermediary services is only available:

What does undue mental stress or suff ering mean?

How does the State usually prove undue mental stress?

Who can ask for an intermediary?

Does the child have to go into the main courtroom?

Will the child receive travelling and food allowance for coming to court?

Can intermediaries be used in the children’s courts?

Chief-Directorate: Promotion of the Rights of Vulnerable Groups
Directorate: Victim Support and Specialised Court Services
Private Bag X81, Pretoria, 0001
Tel: (012) 315 1830/1868, Fax: 086 675 2621
E-mail: sorma@justice.gov.za