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Getting legal assistance

As the Department does not provide legal advice, we would like to refer you to the following organisation for their assistance.

Legal Aid South Africa
You can contact them on Legal Aid Advice Line toll free 0800 110 110 or mail them at LegalAidAdvice@legal-aid.co.za. For more information visit their website: http://www.legal-aid.co.za.

Pro bono (free) legal services by attorneys
Pro bono is administered by the Legal Practice Council where attorneys are registered. To qualify for free legal assistance, a person must comply with a ‘means test’ (a maximum monthly or no income) and have a legal problem with merit. You will be referred to an attorney by the Legal Practice Council who will assist you free of charge (pro bono). If a referral is made to a pro bono attorney, the client is responsible only for the cost of disbursements (actual expenses), such as Sheriffs’ fees, and the attorney will not charge any fees for the work and legal services provided.

Complain about a lawyer/attorney

The Law Society of South Africa states that:

"It is part of the function of the councils of the law societies to act in the public interest. The law societies are committed to protecting the public against unprofessional and irresponsible conduct by attorneys and are prepared to investigate complaints which are submitted to them in good faith and which fall within their jurisdiction.

Complaints about attorneys should be lodged with the Legal Practice Council.

Attorneys fall under the regulatory jurisdiction of the Legal Practice Council. Complaints must be lodged with the relevant office of the Legal Practice Council.
Complaints forms from the Legal Practice Council website: https://www.lssa.org.za/public/complaining-about-an-attorney/your-rights-and-responsibilities-as-the-client-of-an-attorney