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State Attorney Services

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The Office of the State Attorney provides legal services to national and provincial departments.

State attorneys are attorneys in the service of the State. They represent the State in all lawsuits and transactions for and against the State. They work and function in the same way as ordinary attorneys. A candidate attorney may enter into an agreement of candidacy with the state attorney and may write the attorney’s admission examination after completion of his/her articles.

Minimum requirements: LLB degree plus admission as an attorney.

The functions of the State Attorney is as follows:

  • The drafting and managing of contracts on behalf of the State.  
  • The handling of criminal and civil litigation cases instituted against State officials and committed by means of acts or omissions while executing their official duties.     
  • The handing of applications form qualifying personnel for admission as advocates for the High Court.
  • The handling of applications for admission as practicing attorney  
  • The regulation and overseeing of the conduct of private attorneys operating under the State Attorney Act.


  • State Attorney Act (Act 56 of 1957) Eng 



Monthly Statistics on Briefings received by the State Attorney Offices.